I’m sure this comes as no surprise, but I haven’t always been the most organized otter. Although I’m usually good about accounting for all of the raw footage after filming a fuck session, every now and then a few clips will fall through the cracks. A couple days ago, while I was cleaning up some hard drives, I stumbled upon some footage of me and my otter form another, Chandler Scott. I honestly could not remember filming even one second of this footage, so I asked my Pup if he remembered where/when the footage was from and he couldn’t remember either…even though he was the one filming the entire time. Well, after taking a closer look at the footage it finally hit me, this footage was from first time me and Chandler ever got naked in front of a camera together. I wanted to let you guys know that I’m adding a new series of solo updates into the rotation to give you guys more content and more bang for your buck. In past years I’ve steered away from too many solo updates because they aren’t as thrilling, profitable, and or marketable as a duo video, but after chatting with a handful of you guys it’s been made clear to that you would humor the idea of me perving out on myself for a couple updates throughout the month. This was just a simple way to give you guys something special that no one else in the world would have access too. I'm trying to be better about making your investment in me worthwhile, because I’m sure at times it can feel like I don't care, but I really do care and all I want is to make you guys happy.
Human Urinal Plus Cum Dumpster
I filmed this scene back in January when I was......