Harold Episode Larry Tyson Cane's True Life Story, is based on the adventure of Tyson Cane's true love life. It's real, it's raw, but it is from Tyson Cane's point of view. This is a one on one, brother to brother, sweat dripping, action packed, b-ball fuck fest. Young, hot brothers layin' it down. Ass and dick on the line to the winners. The gamble, the ball, the nuts, the dick!
It's no secret that when hot and well-hung black and Latino men share secrets, they also share their secretions! Better not keep this title on the D.L., because once people find out, they will keep buying this movie to learn the true meaning of "going behind someone's back!
Hot, hard, and non-stop, this entry in the best-selling series contains some real heartfelt sex – the kind that makes you feel like, had the cameras not been there, would have happened just as freakishly, anyway. Definitely a must-own if you even got winded watching any of the others.