This mid 1970's vintage film, directed by Taylor Benson, is interesting if not terribly erotic. The plot revolves around a hot young man's (Sam) quest for sexual satisfaction. After a series of less-than-thrilling sexual encounters, he answers an ad placed by "Johnny X," who promises physical fulfillment and the keys to perfect sex.
Star Trick takes you to West Hollywood, back to the era of Go-Go boys swinging their dicks and shaking their ass. In the 1070s, life was a continuous party of dancing, sex, orgasms, and spending time in the public bathrooms cruisin!
Magnum Griffin 14 is a vintage gay sex video made up of eight classic 8mm loops: Fountain Of Delight, Newspaper Boy, Jail Cell, Boxcar, Take A Break, Cowboy, Buddies, and Duel In The Sun.